Be nice
Do the laundry (always)
Empty the garbage
Be thankful
Make my bed
Operate from love
Walk the dog
Listen better
Study biology - yes, I'm taking a biology course and it's no joke
Be impeccable with my word (The Four Agreements)
Grocery shop
Step out of judgement (or leave the room)
Enjoy my family
Drink lots of water
Let go of anxiety
Fix the printer issue
From day to day, my to-do list doesn't change very much. Some days are a bit more hectic than others. Some days, I get thrown a curve ball and all plans change in an instant. For myself, the most important thing I can do is get my workout in. It's my time to get out of my head and focus on something besides my to-do list. By pushing breath through my body and challenging my strength and endurance, I release anxiety, negative emotions and anything that's not serving me in a positive way. Notice your general state of mind and body the days that you carve out time to push, breathe and sweat. You are just a better version of yourself. Whatever your mode is - strength, core, TRX, indoor cycling, AIS or rowing, get up, get moving and get it done. It will make your to-do list and your day much better!
